Myofascial trigger point and tension-type headaches

Migraine and tension-type headaches both have myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which are hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle linked with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.

Janet Travell is the creator of the wonderful Trigger Point Therapy technique. She sketched out the entire body, noting where and how trigger points might be identified, as well as how they can be treated to relieve pain. She treated J.F. Kennedy, and he always thanked her, claiming that he couldn’t have done his work if she hadn’t treated him to relieve his chronic pain.

Role of Myofascial trigger points in tension-type headaches

Myofascial trigger points are assumed to play a role in the pathophysiology of pain disorders, including headache disorders; however, there is little evidence to back this up. The researchers looked at the research on the involvement of myofascial trigger points in tension headaches and migraines.

In multiple investigations, the rate of myofascial trigger points was observed to grow with age, implying that their accumulation occurs over time due to tension-type headaches rather than being implicated in their pathophysiology.

Treatment for Trigger Points and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Treatment for trigger points and myofascial pain syndrome spans from basic at-home therapies to injections administered by your doctor. Because the medical profession is continuously learning about myofascial pain syndrome, no one “miracle” treatment will always work. To get pain relief, you may need to try a few different approaches.

·         Massage therapy

Deep tissue massage may soothe an uncomfortable trigger point, and licensed massage therapists are trained to relieve muscle tension. Regular massage treatments may help reduce the onset of myofascial pain syndrome and persistent trigger points if you have them.

·         Dry Needling

Dry needling is a technique for relieving trigger point discomfort that involves inserting an empty needle and moving it around. This treatment is supposed to increase blood flow to the trigger point muscle location, reducing muscle tension. This therapy may also help block pain impulses near the trigger point, but further research is needed to be sure.

·         Physical Therapy

Myofascial release, soft tissue work, and joint mobilizations are all options for treating trigger points by physical therapists. Before doing specific stretches to relax and alleviate the tight muscle, they may treat the trigger point area with a cooling spray.

·         Medications

Various muscle relaxants have been utilized to alleviate myofascial pain symptoms. Because these are frequently sedating or have other negative effects, they should be used in moderation and conjunction with a good physical therapy regimen.

Bottom Line

If you have myofascial pain syndrome and have tried all the other treatments and still have recurring trigger points, your doctor may recommend trigger point injections. These injections are considered a later-stage therapy for trigger points—your doctor may advise you to try less intrusive therapies first, such as massage, before proceeding to injectable therapy. For optimal alleviation and efficacy, your doctor may prescribe the injections in conjunction with an exercise or physical therapy regimen.

However, always consult the doctors of PhysioFit before you start the treatment on your own, let the experts diagnose the real issue, and guide you through the relief for the pain.