How much does BPPV treatment cost?

How much does BPPV treatment cost?
How much does BPPV treatment cost?

What is BPPV?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a clinical syndrome characterized by brief recurrent episodes of vertigo.

These usually occur with lying down onto the bed, bending the neck forward or even rolling over in bed.

Physical therapists can examine and treat BPPV bedside in an outpatient clinic. You do not have to treat it in a hospital as it is a benign condition.

BPPV is the most common type of peripheral vertigo, with a reported prevalence of 11 to 64 cases per 100,000 persons.

The age group of 50-70 years old mainly experiences the effect, and women report a higher prevalence.

How much does BPPV treatment cost?

A 2000 study by Li et al examined this exact question and reported the costs of BPPV to be more than $2,000 per individual.

Most of the expenses are attributable to inappropriate diagnostic procedures and ineffective therapies.

Correct diagnosis and proper treatments based on current concepts of BPPV will reduce these unnecessary diagnostic procedures and costs.

Our Vestibular specialists perform specific bedside tests after a thorough history taking in order to make the most accurate diagnosis.

By using video analysis alongside canalith testing, we can determine if your “crystals” are misplaced and, more importantly, which canal they are in.

Canalith repositioning maneuvers usually provide an immediate resolution of symptoms by clearing the canaliths from the semicircular canal into the vestibule.

If your symptoms are BPPV, the cost of treatment should be MUCH less than $2,000!

If you or someone you know is having vertigo and dizziness, contact us to determine if you are a right candidate for our differential diagnosis and treatments.


If you suspect BPPV or experience any of the mentioned symptoms, we recommend seeking professional evaluation.

Patients presenting with vertigo should consider specialized physical therapy.   We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our BPPV Relief Program.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!