Diastasis Recti screening in Wake Forest, NC

Having trouble finding your abs after having a baby? Wondering if you might have diastasis recti, or abdominal separation?

Our women’s health specialist, Dr. Danielle Vaughan, shares the dangers of falling prey to the advice of Dr. Google when it comes to postpartum health and exercise.

You’ll read — “Don’t do this! Don’t do that!” Dr. Google does not have all the right answers. The most important thing to focus on if you suspect you have diastasis recti separation is making sure the right muscles are activating when you move.

But how do you know if you are activating the right muscles when you move? Take the guesswork out of your exercises! Dr. Danielle Vaughan is one of the only doctors in this area to use a rehabilitative ultrasound machine to help train your pelvic floor and/or deep core muscles. Using the ultrasound, she can see, in real time, whether your muscles turn “on” when you move. Therefore, this helps get you stronger faster! Say good-bye to your diastasis recti.

Ultrasound image of normal abdominal separation

Ultrasound image of normal abdominal separation of the rectus abdominus (“6-pack abs”)

Did you know that we all have some abdominal separation? This is another reason a self-test may prove faulty!

While it is possible to do a self-screen at home, seeing a trained, pelvic floor physical therapist postpartum is a much better option. Our therapists can assess your pelvic floor function and offer specific exercises to strengthen your core and decrease your abdominal separation. No more mommy tummy!