Will physical therapy help cervicogenic dysphagia?

Will physical therapy help cervicogenic dysphagia?
Will physical therapy help cervicogenic dysphagia?

Physical therapy is highly effective in addressing neck dysfunction, helping to improve mobility, alleviate pain, and restore optimal function.

The treatments can be a valuable component of the treatment plan for cervicogenic dysphagia, but its effectiveness depends on the specific underlying cause and individual circumstances.

Physical therapy can help in the following ways:

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis:
    • The first step in improving neck alignment is a thorough assessment.
    • Physical therapists will evaluate the patient’s posture, range of motion, and the specific issues contributing to poor neck alignment.
  2. Customized Exercise Programs:
    • Based on the assessment findings, physical therapists design customized exercise and stretching programs.
    • These exercises aim to target and strengthen the muscles that support the neck.
    • Strengthening and stretching the appropriate muscle groups can help to correct imbalances that contribute to poor neck alignment.
  3. Range of Motion and Posture:
    • Physical therapy can address issues related to neck mobility and posture, which are often contributing factors to cervicogenic dysphagia.
    • Improving neck flexibility and alignment may reduce swallowing difficulties.
  4. Manual Therapy Techniques:
    • Physical therapists are trained in various manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilization and myofascial manipulation.
    • These hands-on approaches can help restore proper joint function and relieve muscle tension, which can, in turn, improve neck alignment.
  5. Neck Stabilization Exercises:
    • Exercises that target the deep neck muscles, such as the deep cervical flexors, can enhance neck stability and support improved alignment.
  6. Customized Treatment Plans:
    • Physical therapy plans are typically tailored to the individual’s specific needs and the underlying cause of cervicogenic dysphagia.
    • Physical therapists track the patient’s progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.
    • Regular follow-up appointments ensure that improvements are maintained.

It’s important to note that while physical therapy can be beneficial, it may not be the sole solution for all cases of cervicogenic dysphagia.

The effectiveness of physical therapy should be evaluated in conjunction with other treatments, such as medications or surgical interventions, if necessary.

Consulting with a healthcare provider or a physical therapist is essential to determine the most appropriate course of treatment for your specific condition.

Treatment options for Cervicogenic Dysphagia

If you experience difficulty swallowing, it’s crucial to seek medical evaluation to rule out any ENT, respiratory and cardiovascular pathologies. Our team will be happy to provide a thorough neck health examination once others causes have been ruled out.

At PhysioFit of NC, we have the expert team in cervical spine conditions to help you to the fullest.

We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our Neck Alignment Program. This includes manual therapy and exercises to improve neck posture, improve sagittal positioning and promote proper stability. The primary goal of treatment is to address the underlying cervical spine issues that are giving you symptoms.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!