Why shouldn’t I pee just in case

Why shouldn't I pee just in case
Why shouldn’t I pee just in case

Why shouldn’t I pee just in case is a common question we get as Women’s Health Physical Therapists.

While it might seem convenient to pee “just in case” to avoid potential restroom emergencies, there are several reasons why it’s not advisable to do so regularly:

  1. Incomplete Emptying: When you urinate without a strong urge to do so, you may not fully empty your bladder. This can lead to a cycle of frequent urination because the bladder doesn’t empty properly, and it can also increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  2. Bladder Training: Constantly emptying your bladder “just in case” can contribute to a habit of frequent urination. Instead, it’s better to practice bladder training, which involves gradually increasing the time between bathroom trips to help your bladder hold more urine.
  3. Impact on Daily Life: Frequent urination can disrupt your daily routine, especially if you’re always looking for a restroom. It can be inconvenient and may interfere with work, social activities, or travel.
  4. Potential for Weakening Bladder Muscles: Over time, regularly emptying your bladder when it’s not necessary may weaken the muscles of the bladder and the pelvic floor. This can contribute to issues like urinary incontinence.
  5. Psychological Factors: Continually going to the bathroom “just in case” can reinforce anxiety about urinary urgency and contribute to an overactive bladder.


It’s important to listen to your body and urinate when you feel the urge. However, if you find that you’re experiencing frequent and urgent urination, it’s a good idea to consult with a Women’s Health Physical Therapist.

Frequent urination can be a symptom of underlying medical conditions, such as a urinary tract infection, overactive bladder, or other urinary issues, which may need to be addressed with appropriate treatment.

Treatment options for pelvic floor therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy is valuable for both men and women who experience pelvic floor issues, such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. It can significantly improve quality of life and help individuals regain control and confidence in their pelvic health.

At PhysioFit of NC, we have the expert team in pelvic floor physical therapy to help you to the fullest.

We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our Women’s Health Program.  This includes manual therapy and exercises to improve conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!