Can physical therapy help hypermobility?

Can physical therapy help hypermobility?
Can physical therapy help hypermobility?

Yes, physical therapy can be highly beneficial in managing hypermobility and its associated symptoms.

A well-structured physical therapy program can help individuals with hypermobility in several ways:

  1. Muscle Strengthening: Physical therapists can design exercise regimens that target specific muscle groups around hypermobile joints. Strengthening these muscles can enhance joint stability and reduce the risk of joint dislocations or subluxations.
  2. Joint Stabilization: Physical therapists can teach individuals with hypermobility techniques to improve joint stabilization. These may include exercises and activities that focus on balance and proprioception (awareness of the body’s position in space).
  3. Posture and Body Mechanics: Correcting posture and body mechanics is essential for individuals with hypermobility to avoid straining muscles and joints. Physical therapists can provide guidance on proper posture and movement patterns.
  4. Pain Management: Physical therapists can offer modalities and techniques for managing pain associated with hypermobility. This may include manual therapy, such as joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, and stretching exercises.
  5. Education: Education is a crucial component of physical therapy. Therapists can help individuals understand their condition, its implications, and how to manage it effectively through self-care techniques and lifestyle adjustments.
  6. Activity Modification: Physical therapists can work with individuals to identify activities and movements that may exacerbate hypermobility-related pain or instability. They can help individuals modify their activities to reduce the risk of injury.
  7. Customized Programs: Physical therapy programs are tailored to each individual’s specific needs, taking into account their unique hypermobility challenges and goals.

It’s important for individuals with hypermobility to work with a physical therapist who has experience in treating this condition.

Physical therapy can be a crucial part of a comprehensive approach to managing hypermobility, especially when combined with other interventions like lifestyle modifications, bracing, and, in some cases, medications for pain and inflammation.

If you suspect you have hypermobility or are experiencing related symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional who can help you determine the most appropriate treatment plan, which may include physical therapy.

Treatment options for hypermobility

Customized physical therapy is valuable for both men and women who experience hypermobility or even diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It can significantly improve quality of life and help individuals regain control and confidence in their body.

At PhysioFit of NC, we have the expert team in physical therapy to help you to the fullest.

We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our Hypermobility Strengthening Program. This is a whole body approach to improve body awareness, target the approach muscle stabilizers and improve muscle imbalances.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!