What are symptoms of TMJ pain and dysfunction?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial joint containing an articular disk and allowing for hinge and sliding movements. Such complicated movements are necessary for chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

Generally speaking, most people who say they have TMJ have regarded the condition as only having localized orofacial pain and dysfunction. However, we want to educate you that TMJ dysfunction, also known as tempormandibular dysfunction (TMD), has a variety of clinical symptoms.

Here are some symptoms you may have if you have TMD or TMJ dysfunction:

  • joint noises

  • muscle pain

  • jaw locking

  • facial pain

  • neck aches and pain

  • headaches

  • facial muscle fatigue

  • limited mouth opening

  • difficulty eating certain foods (such as apples, burgers, etc)

  • mandibular deviation

  • tootaches

  • dizziness

  • earaches

  • hearing problems

  • upper shoulder pain

  • tinnitus

  • bruxism

Physical Therapy treatment for TMJ

If you are having trouble with proper oral hygiene or pain due to TMJ dysfunction, physical therapy has many options that can help you. We have several other articles associated with treatments on our Cranio-facial and TMJ page.

We know the quality of life associated with TMJ pain and dysfunction can be substantial and many patients exhibit several levels of depression associated with the condition.