Postpartum exercise Wake Forest

Postpartum Exercise Wake Forest

Postpartum Exercise Wake Forest

Thank you for interest in our postpartum exercise class series in Wake Forest!

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of our semi-private exercise class series called Postpartum Core and Restore for new mothers in Wake Forest. 

Why Choose our Postpartum Exercise?

  1. Expertise: Our classes are led by women’s health physical therapy specialists with extensive experience in postpartum care. You can trust that you’re receiving guidance from professionals who understand the unique needs and challenges of postpartum recovery.
  2. Small group format: By opting for our small group classes, you’ll benefit from personalized attention and tailored exercises to address your specific needs. The intimate setting allows for individualized modifications and support, ensuring a safe and effective workout environment.
  3. Comprehensive focus: Our classes prioritize core stability, stamina, and strength, essential components of postpartum recovery. Through targeted exercises and progressive training, you’ll not only regain strength but also enhance overall fitness, promoting long-term health and well-being after giving birth.

What makes our Postpartum exercise series unique?

Join our 8-week progressive program centered on strengthening your core and pelvic floor through Pilates and strength exercises. Our sessions emphasize correct breathing, alignment, and muscle activation tailored to post-pregnancy and childbirth recovery.

Included in the course is a diastasis recti screening during the initial and final classes, conducted by our specialist to track abdominal separation progress.

No matter if it’s been 4 months or 40 years since childbirth, our program recognizes that postpartum care is ongoing.


Experience a comprehensive postpartum exercise program in Wake Forest, promoting holistic recovery and physical core strength.

Join us to rebuild core muscles, enhance posture, and connect with a supportive community.  

Embrace your postpartum journey with our postpartum exercise class. Sign up now for our next 8 week series!