Is cervicogenic dizziness a common condition?

Is cervicogenic dizziness a common condition?
Is cervicogenic dizziness a common condition?

Cervicogenic dizziness is considered a relatively uncommon condition compared to other types of dizziness and vertigo.

It is estimated to account for a smaller percentage of cases of dizziness and balance disorders.

However, neck dizziness can be a comorbidity alongside other causes of dizziness, which would warrant treatment of both conditions.

We discuss this in more detail in our professional books and course, but here are some highlights for you.

Several factors contribute to its relatively lower prevalence:

  1. Complex Diagnosis:
    • Cervicogenic dizziness can be challenging to diagnose due to its overlap with other vestibular and neurological disorders.
    • This complexity can lead to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis.
  2. Multiple Causes of Dizziness:
    • Dizziness can result from various factors, including inner ear issues, vestibular disorders, neurological conditions, and cardiovascular problems.
    • Cervicogenic dizziness is just one of many potential causes.
  3. Age and Risk Factors:
    • It is commonly associated with conditions like degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which tend to occur more frequently as people age.
    • It is also commonly associated after concussion, whiplash and other types of mild trauma to the neck.
  4. Awareness and Recognition:
    • The awareness of cervicogenic dizziness among healthcare professionals and the general public may be limited.
    • This leads to less frequent consideration during diagnostic evaluations.
  5. Varied Symptoms:
    • Cervicogenic dizziness presents with a wide range of symptoms, and these symptoms can vary among individuals.
    • This variability can contribute to diagnostic challenges.
Cervicogenic Dizziness Books
Cervicogenic Dizziness Books


Although cervicogenic dizziness is not as common as other forms of dizziness, it is still an important condition to consider when evaluating individuals with dizziness, especially if they have associated neck pain or cervical spine issues.

Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential for those who do experience this condition, as it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

If you suspect you have cervicogenic dizziness or experience persistent dizziness and neck pain, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

Treatment options for cervicogenic dizziness

Specialized physical therapy treatment can assist in alleviating musculoskeletal elements and improve spinal alignment contributing to cervicogenic dizziness. A systematic approach of orthopedic, vestibular and sensorimotor re-training is usually necessary to alleviate symptoms.

At PhysioFit of NC, we have the expert team in both vestibular and cervical spine conditions to help you to the fullest.

We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our Cervicogenic Dizziness Relief Program.  This includes manual therapy and exercises to improve neck posture and mobility. The primary goal of treatment is to address the underlying cervical spine issues and vestibular dysfunction causing cervicogenic dizziness.

If you are a professional and looking for training options, check out our diagnosis and treatment courses on Cervicogenic Dizziness!

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!

Cervicogenic Dizziness Online Course
Cervicogenic Dizziness Online Course