How do mouth guards work for TMJ Pain?

How do mouth guards work for TMU pain?
How do mouth guards work for TMU pain?

Dentists commonly use mouth guards, also known as oral splints or oral appliances, for temporomandibular disorders (TMD).

TMD is a collective term that embraces a number of clinical problems that involve the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the associated structures.

Therefore, even though TMJ is commonly used to describe disorders in this area, the rehabilitative and dental communities are moving towards the use of TMD.

How do mouth guards work for TMJ Pain?

There is continuing debate about the exact mechanism of action of oral splints.

With that said, there are many mechanisms that we think cause the change in TMD following use of a mouth guard:

  • Muscle relaxation/habit-breaking for patients with increased parafunctional or muscle-tightening habits

  • Protection of teeth and jaws, particularly where teeth clenching and grinding may lead to damage of teeth

  • Normalizing periodontal ligament proprioception, by utilizing a splint to spread the forces placed on individual teeth

  • Repositioning of the jaws and condyles into centric relation.

In most instances, patients who come to us for TMD already have an appliance, either prescribed from his/her dentist or tele-shopping online.

This is usually the first course of action and in many instances, the appliances help with pain and protecting the teeth.

But in others, it doesn’t help so much with pain and that is what leads a patient into our doors.

High-level research has also shown why they do not work. A recent high level medical research study made the following concluding statement:

From this systematic review, no clear evidence to support the provision of splints for the various sub-types of TMD or bruxism. However, the body of evidence that this conclusion is based on is of very low certainty.


Consult a dentist for personalized guidance on using mouth guards for TMJ relief.

If the usage of an oral appliance is not working great for your pain, then talk to your dentist or reach out to a local (or even us) physical therapist who can treat TMD. You may be surprised how well a few sessions of manual therapy and even exercise (if applicable) to the craniofacial and cervical regions can help your pain!

Managing TMJ effectively requires a collaborative effort, as it takes a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, dentists, and individuals to find the right strategies for relief and support.

If you are having TMJ pain, we recommend seeking professional evaluation and guidance to better understand and address this condition.

Patients presenting with tinnitus should consider specialized physical therapy.   We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our TMJ Alignment and Relief Program.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!