Can I get TMJ problems after having molars removed?

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Can I get TMJ problems after having molars removed?

It can be common in dentistry to have third molar removal. There are many side effects for having this extraction procedure and many can be serious that need additional dental and/or medical assistance.

A more benign condition, but debilitating and painful, can be the possibility to developing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. TMJ is a subset of the the large interface of orofacial pain, now defined as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). TMD is defined as a group of disorders involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and the associated structures.

Risk factors for having TMJ after molar removal

The research on this topic is variable as it can be difficult to study this type of correlation but I want to bring attention to a 2020 Systematic Review by Damesceno et al. that concluded third molar extraction can be associated with the development of TMD signs and symptoms.

The authors examined this exact question and concluded the following bullet points associated with risk factor of developing TMD and third molar extraction:

  • third molar location

  • the degree of impaction and surgical difficulty

  • age (may be higher for people under 21 years of age or older than 40)

  • gender (more common in females —-sorry ladies!)

Previous studies have shown a higher incidence of more severe symptoms if a patient has:

  • four third molars extracted

  • ones who underwent extractions in several sessions

  • ones who had extraction under local anesthesia

Can you prevent TMJ problems when you remove molars?

I wish I could answer this question with a high degree of certainty. I think that is true for any condition in the medical field!

What I normally do for my patients is make an analogy. For us “middle-agers” —- remember that we normally warm up before we go and play a sport? We did that to bring blood flow to muscles and decrease stiffness. This may not have completely eliminated the possibility of getting hurt, but it definitely helped reduce the risk of injury

Consider this with your jaw — if you plan to undergo a procedure that requires keeping your jaw open for an extended period and you possess risk factors for developing TMJ (such as being female, having a small mouth, experiencing jaw tightness, etc.), then you may face a higher risk of developing TMJ issues after the procedure!


In general, a more challenging procedure that necessitates keeping the jaw open for an extended period of time contributes to a higher risk of TMJ problems.

If you continue to have pain after a procedure then talk to your dentist or reach out to a local (or even us) physical therapist who can treat TMD. You may be surprised at how well a few sessions of manual therapy and even exercise (if applicable) to the craniofacial and cervical regions can alleviate your pain!

Managing TMJ effectively requires a collaborative effort, as it takes a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, dentists, and individuals to find the right strategies for relief and support.

If you are having TMJ pain, we recommend seeking professional evaluation and guidance to better understand and address this condition.

Patients presenting with tinnitus should consider specialized physical therapy.   We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our TMJ Alignment and Relief Program.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today so we can help you!