Category Archives: Headaches

Have you been told to drink water for headaches?

Dr. Alyssa discusses that you can do more than just drink water to help with [...]

NeckCare to find asymmetry for tension type headaches

Dr. Vaughan discusses how we use the NeckCare technology to find asymmetry in your muscles [...]

Dr. Vaughan discusses tension type headaches

Dr. Vaughan discusses characteristics of tension type headaches in the following short videos.

What are the different types of tension type headaches?

What are the different types of tension type headaches is a common question we get [...]

Can hypermobility cause headaches?

Hypermobility itself is not typically a direct cause of headaches. However, there are some indirect [...]

What are the symptoms of tension type headache?

  What are the symptoms of tension type headache is a common question we get [...]

What are treatment options for tension type headache?

What are treatment options for tension type headache is a common question we get as [...]

How is tension-type headache diagnosed?

  How is tension-type headache is diagnosed is a common question we get as neck [...]

What is a tension-type headache?

  What is a tension-type headache is a common question we get as neck health [...]

What causes tension-type headaches?

  What causes tension-type headaches is a common question we get as neck health experts. [...]